I guess when
it comes down to it Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up These are the best days of our lives The only
thing that matters is just following your heart And eventually you'll finally get it right.
The Ataris

Who Are The Cooties?
Who are the Cooties? I heard you ask, I will explain them to you, its no task.
They are Veterans of the Foreign Wars, The honor Degree: Also the active workers of the V.F.W. and all, Cooties are always there, ready to answer the
call. His little Red Hat, he proudly won, in an outfit, based on Humor and fun. A dedication to which he will ever stick, to visit his buddies, the disabled and sick.
The cooties practice their Motto with all their might to "Keep'em Smiling in Beds of White". Now you know and can clearly see, just why the Cooties are called, "The Honor Degree
Designated as the Honor Degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States,the Military Order of the Cootie is a subordinate order of the parent organization composed exclusively of VFW members in good standing.The
MOC, established in 1921 for the primary purpose of creating a "fun degree" within the parent body,is also dedicated to serious
purposes.Organized in nearly every department as a Grand Pup Tents with local Pup Tent units, the Cootie sponsor a continuous program of hospital work and visitations.
In keeping with their famous slogan"Keep'em Smiling in Beds of White", they have
contributed generously to the welfare of hospitalized veterans.The VFW National Home for widows and orphans has also benefited greatly from MOC support.Most of the athletic and recreational facilities required by the children at the National
Home were furnished by the "Cooties".
A major MOC project at the National Home is the annual Cootie Christmas party,featuring a visit from Santa Claus with gifts for every boy and girl loving at this unique "child village" which has no equal in the world.The Cooties have also furnished funds for the fire fighting equipment and a swimming pool at the national

History of the Military Order of the Cooties
Consider the official uniform of the VFW's Military Order of the Cootie (MOC): red pants with a white stripe running down each side; ruffled white shirt; lace-trimmed red vest emblazoned
on the back with a gold-outlined, bug-like creature with flashing light bulb eyes; red, overseas-style cap worn sideways so
that the tassels dangle beside the wearer's ears. Surely whoever designed this outfit must have had in mind the old saying
that "clothes make the man." After all, one of the principle objectives of the Cootie auxiliary is for its members to have and
provide fun for themselves and others.
The MOC can trace its ancestry to the Imperial Order of the Dragon - a
similar fun-loving auxiliary that was affiliated with the United Spanish American War Veterans (USAWV). After World War I, two veterans who were members of both the USAWV and the VFW thought that the VFW might
be able to attract more members if it formed an auxiliary modeled on the Imperial Order of the Dragon. These men, Fred Madden
and F.L. Gransbury, began recruiting members for the new auxiliary on September 17, 1920, at the VFW Nationa l Encampment in Washington, D.C. By the end of the encampment, nearly 300 members had been enrolled, and Fred Madden had become
the first Seam Squirrel (commander). Later that year, a complete slate of officers was assembled and ratified at a special
meeting held in Cavalry Baptist Church in New York City. Madden developed a constitution and by-laws while Gransbury authored
the ritual. (Together with the official uniform, these were approved in 1924.)
In the years after its founding, the MOC took on several special projects designed to bring smiles to the faces of two special groups of people - hospitalized veterans and residents
of the VFW National Home. Its involvement with the National Home came first. In fact, the Cooties were the first to back Amy Ross's plan for the Home, and, in 1924, helped persuade the VFW to sponsor the
project. Since then, there has never been a period of any extended length in which the Cooties have not been involved in some
project for the Home's betterment or for the happiness of those who live there.
Shortly after the Home was established, the Cooties began the tradition of sponsoring the Home's annual Christmas party. They took it upon themselves to make sure the residents had
Christmas presents and a Christmas dinner, and also that Cootie volunteers were always on hand to help organize and run the
party. Then in 1933, the MOC received permission from the VFW National Encampment to build an athletic field at the National Home. Over the next few years, the Cooties raised $15,000 for the field,
which was dedicated in 1941. No sooner had they finished paying for the field than the Cooties took on construction of an
outdoor swimming pool. Before this pool was dedicated in September 1950, the Cooties had drummed up over $8,000 more than
the $40,000 needed to build it.
As dear to a Cootie's heart as its National Home projects are, auxiliary members support its program for hospitalized veterans
with equal enthusiasm. This program got its start in the 1940's, when auxiliary members realized that World War II would soon
fill the hospitals with sick and wounded veterans. To help these veterans keep their spirits up, many Cooties took it upon themselves to entertain the patients. Soon Cooties all over
the country were visiting hospitalized veterans, pledging to "Keep 'em Smiling in Beds of White." Today this goal is still one of the auxiliary's highest priorities. Many Pup Tents and their Auxiliaries not only work with VAVS Hospital
teams, but also perform services of their own at VA Hospitals and nursing homes. Thousands of Cootie hours and thousands of
dollars are donated each year in carrying out this program.
Although MOC and ladies auxiliary members enjoy all Co otie activities - from supporting the National Home to visiting hospitalized veterans to helping out the VFW - members also
engage in many activities that are designed solely for their entertainment. These include the method by which they govern
their meetings and various procedures followed within them. To describe these methods and some of the other ways Cooties have fun would violate their bylaws, but it is possible to provide a glimpse of
how Cooties sometimes have fun in public.
Picture Main Street in a Midwestern city of about 25,000 residents on a sunny
Saturday morning in June. The sidewalks are crowded with shoppers, and traffic on the two-lane thoroughfare is almost bumper
to bumpe r. Three men in Cootie uniforms, the lights on their vests winking, are sauntering down the sidewalk in front of the city's
largest department store. Suddenly, one of the men glances heavenward and mumbles, "Oh, my God." The other two look upward.
As if they are watching the descent of a falling leaf, all three slowly lower their heads until they are staring at the ground.
Taking small manuals from their hip pockets, the three sit down in a circle on the sidewalk, legs crossed and feet tucked
under. Opening the manuals, they begin reading the service for a dead Cootie (most of it ad libbed as they go along).
Gradually a crowd gathers around the men, some of it overflowing into the street. As the crowd grows and traffic comes almost to a standstill, two policemen approach to determine
the cause of the blockage. One of the officers glances at the seated trio, then informs them, "You've got three minutes to
get him planted, then move on." As a knowledgeable member of the VFW, the officer has quickly sized up the situation. Shaking
his head, the officer mutters, "Crazy Cooties," and walks back to his partner.
Attracted by this offbeat brand of humor and the Cooties' light-hearted approach
to problem-solving, at present there are about 37,000 Cooties in 1,000 Pup tents. Membership is open to members in good standing in the VFW who have displayed their willingness to work for the parent organization.
The Military Order of the Cootie Auxiliary (MOCA) draws its membership from the ranks of women eighteen and older who have
been active members of the VFW Ladies Auxiliary for at least six months and who are the wife, widow, sister, half-sister,
daughter, foster daughter, or granddaughter of an active VFW member in good standing. Today there are approximately 17,000
auxiliary members contained in 597 Pup Tents.

on the Bug to crawl thru this Crummy and foul Pup Tent"
